DIY- Easy Infant Burger Costume Tutorial

Well here we are. The day before Halloween and if you’re like me, you’re scrambling last minute for a costume for your child. Actually, I planned Little’s costume over a month ago but kept putting off making it. I’m always a DIY costumer. Growing up that’s how my family did it. One year in high school, my brother was an 80s business man and was a hit (this was before the full wave of nostalgia and rush of social media). But I digress, if you need something easy, cheap and fast, then look no further. Here’s how to make a burger costume for your infant. Continue reading

Seriously? Sciatica?: A venting session

Somehow this happened last year. Around Halloween I dropped off the face of the planet on my blog. And while that hasn’t quite happened this time, I’ve reached a weird point. Maybe it’s because there’s so much going on during the holidays that the thought of it makes me shrink into a burrito of blanket reclusiveness. More likely, it’s because I’ve developed sciatica. Continue reading

Product Review: Graco Pack ‘n Play

I am a weakling. I spoke about this when I lamented my baby carrier and stroller woes. Partly because my baby is a big boy. Partly because I need to exercise. But that’s another post for another time. So why did my son have to grow out of his perfectly good bassinet and bouncer so early? I relied on these things to help me out. But of course, I had to come up with another solution. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: Postpartum Life

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Postpartum Life

So this is the last post for this series as my son is almost 5 months old and I’ve basically caught up. Maybe a year from now I’ll continue with some updates to the series but realistically those will be posts of their own. This has been a fun one to write because I relieved some of the things I felt starting a year ago. A year ago I could not imagine being where I am now with the baby. I knew he was coming but I didn’t know how my body or my life would adapt and what it would all look like. So without any more waiting, here’s what I wish I’d known about postpartum life. Continue reading

The Joys of Postpartum Hair Loss

I’ve always loved hair. Specifically, I love the story hair tells. You might think I mean completely polished, shiny works of art—but no. I mean a college student running late to class with a messy topknot; or maybe a young boy who took a pair of scissors to his curly hair as an experiment. Short, long, curly, straight, messy, kept, whatever the case may be, I think hair plays a huge story. The eyes may be the windows to the soul but hair is the bow on top. Even if that bow looks more like a tassel. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: Breastfeeding

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Breastfeeding 

Well this post is timely, as it is International Breastfeeding Week! I thought I knew everything there was to know about breastfeeding. I took a 3-hour long course when I was pregnant about breastfeeding. I dragged my husband along and everything. I knew I’d need more food and water. I knew it could take some time before my nipples adjusted. I even had early success with breastfeeding and I’m very lucky that my breastfeeding journey has gone smoothly. But of course, you know where this is going; there are a few things I wish I’d known before I began being the sole provider of food for my infant. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: C-Section Recovery

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: C-Section Recovery

This topic is the reason I started this series. I had always known C-sections were supposed to be extremely difficult to recover from, but I never knew what that entailed. I think I expected it to be hard for a few days and then magically back to “normal.” I’ve never had another surgery prior to the C-section, so I wasn’t entirely sure how my body would react. Typically, I react very strongly (and painfully) to most procedures and medication. That should’ve been my hint right there. Continue reading