Things I Wish Someone Told Me: Breastfeeding

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Breastfeeding 

Well this post is timely, as it is International Breastfeeding Week! I thought I knew everything there was to know about breastfeeding. I took a 3-hour long course when I was pregnant about breastfeeding. I dragged my husband along and everything. I knew I’d need more food and water. I knew it could take some time before my nipples adjusted. I even had early success with breastfeeding and I’m very lucky that my breastfeeding journey has gone smoothly. But of course, you know where this is going; there are a few things I wish I’d known before I began being the sole provider of food for my infant. Continue reading