Product Review: Graco Pack ‘n Play

I am a weakling. I spoke about this when I lamented my baby carrier and stroller woes. Partly because my baby is a big boy. Partly because I need to exercise. But that’s another post for another time. So why did my son have to grow out of his perfectly good bassinet and bouncer so early? I relied on these things to help me out. But of course, I had to come up with another solution. Continue reading

Product Review/ Fail: Baby Carriers

Little Love is heavy. He’s a substantial baby. I am a weak, weak person. In my adult life I have always been on the punier side. This makes transporting him a tad difficult when I’m by myself. I can still carry him comfortably enough for short periods of time; when I’m running errands, however, I need an efficient way to shuffle him around.

This is where baby carriers come in—or so I thought. Continue reading