Social Butterfly to Hermit Crab: help me get out of my rut

Everyone always wants to tell you “everything will change when you have a baby!” I knew my body would change. I was expecting my sleep cycle to be affected. And I was positive my social life would never be the same. I didn’t expect, however, to feel so sad about it all. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: Labor & Delivery (induction and C-section)

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Labor and Delivery.

As with probably 99.9% of women, actually getting the baby out of me was the scariest part of the whole process. It felt good to be at the end but it was a terrifying realization that this baby had to get out of me one way or another and the options all seemed like the worst pain ever. I knew of the impending pain whether it’d be in the moment with some pain afterward (vaginal birth) or virtually no pain during and an immense amount of pain afterward (C-section) but there were other things I wish I’d known, specifically for an induction and C-section. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: Third Trimester

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Third Trimester.

The third trimester was the roughest. I was a whirlwind of emotions, even more so than when I first discovered I was pregnant. I was excited, nervous and utterly terrified for the impending birth. But I expected all those things. There were so many things I had no idea were coming. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: Second Trimester

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Second Trimester. 

The second trimester was my absolute favorite. There are probably songs and poems dedicated to this stage. This is the time when pregnancy is beautiful and hailed and women are glowing and belong in a healthy hair commercial. But there are definitely downsides. Continue reading

Things I Wish Someone Told Me: First Trimester

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: First Trimester Pregnancy.

After I discovered I was pregnant I felt a weird spectrum of emotions. I was shaking and excited, worried and optimistic. 5 minutes after I saw the test results, I told Husband as he came in from walking the dog. His first words to me were, “Are you serious?” We weren’t really planning a pregnancy, but we eventually were so happy to be expecting a little one. Continue reading

Things I wish someone told me: Pre-Pregnancy

There are countless things I wish I knew about pregnancy and postpartum life. So I’ve decided to start a series where I talk about these things. I am basing these posts around my personal experiences and I am not a medical professional. This particular post is Things I wish someone told me: Pre-pregnancy.

I don’t regret my little one coming into the world. I don’t regret it one bit. I love my son and I am so happy I get to wake up to his cute, chubby face each morning. But there are a few things I wish I had known right before I found out I was pregnant. Continue reading

Product Review/ Fail: Baby Carriers

Little Love is heavy. He’s a substantial baby. I am a weak, weak person. In my adult life I have always been on the punier side. This makes transporting him a tad difficult when I’m by myself. I can still carry him comfortably enough for short periods of time; when I’m running errands, however, I need an efficient way to shuffle him around.

This is where baby carriers come in—or so I thought. Continue reading